
Unleash efficiency in industrial service

Helpair: The All-in-One AI Software for Industrial Service Teams

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Key Areas Enhanced by Helpair

Discover how Helpair revolutionizes helpdesk efficiency, field service responsiveness, and operational intelligence with the power of AI


Speed up help desk workflows for technical support, troubleshooting and solution finding

Quick Solution Discovery

Locate accurate information swiftly to address customer issues with greater speed and precision.

Integrated Efficiency

Merge Helpair's AI seamlessly into your current systems, enhancing workflow fluidity.

Team Synergy

Enable real-time collaboration across departments, fostering innovative solutions and insights.

Field service technician

Equip field technicians with Helpair’s AI assistant for on-demand 24/7 support and guidance, globally

Improved Resolution Rates

Utilize Helpair to boost first-time fix rates, reducing repeat visits and downtime.

Service Knowledge

Instantly find vital service knowledge and swiftly solve machine issues with precise instructions and technical documentation.

Mobile Accessibility

Use Helpair to get the right information on any device in the field.

Frequently Asked Questions

Helpair uses advanced AI to quickly provide technicians with essential information for troubleshooting and solving technical issues. It streamlines tasks, reducing time and effort, enhancing rather than replacing technicians’ capabilities. This makes their job more efficient and focused on applying their expertise.

Helpair is designed for a wide range of users in the technical service industry, including service technicians, helpdesk professionals, and operational managers. Anyone involved in maintenance, repair, or customer support for technical products and services can find Helpair beneficial for improving efficiency and productivity.

Helpair is adept at solving a variety of service-related problems. This includes providing quick answers to technical questions, helping diagnose and fix equipment issues, offering guidance on maintenance procedures, and even assisting in training new employees. It’s a versatile tool that can adapt to many different challenges faced in the field of technical service.

Helpair’s final release is on the horizon, but you can get a competitive edge now by joining our live beta. Test drive the future of AI in technical services and enjoy special conditions while helping us refine our offerings.

Absolutely. Protecting your data and privacy is a top priority for us. We store data for each customer in a dedicated environment, utilizing European servers to ensure strict adherence to GDPR regulations.

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Want to see more?

Arrange a session with our co-founder for a live demonstration of Helpair. Discover how it can enhance your team’s workflow and clarify questions.


Gebrüder-Netzsch-Straße 19
95100 Selb, Germany
Tel.: +49 9287 75-0
Fax: +49 9287 75208
E-Mail: hello@‎

Managing Directors:
Paul Netzsch, Moritz Netzsch, Jens Niessner, Christian Baier

Court of Registration: Amtsgericht Hof
Registration Number: HRB 6076
VAT Identification Number in accordance with §27a of Value Added Tax Act: DE326267586

Responsible for content pursuant to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV:

Christian Baier
Gebrüder-Netzsch-Straße 19
95100 Selb, Germany


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